
Témy 2019 ZAMUN: Spojená krízová komisia (ZAMUN) Budúcnosť Ukrajinskej krízy Ekonomická a sociálna rada OSN (ZAMUN) Zlepšenie poskytovania zdravotnej starostlivosti a bezpečnosti Rohingských utečencov. Rada pre ľudské práva OSN (ZAMUN) Boj proti detskej práci a ochrana práv detí v rozvojových krajinách Svetová zdravotnícka organizácia WHO (ZAMUN) 
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The biggest task of them all – ŽilinaMUN. During our meeting, we got the opportunity to discuss all the important information and fix details. We really feel the responsibility. The president of the HOPE club and Director General organized this briefing and after the meeting, we 
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Hosting is one of the most challenges activities in any international activity. It is really admirable when a family can create a space and will to welcome and care about a student for a few days. It is our pleasure to know, that cca 80 
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Friday, 1.3.2019, Gymnázium bilingválne. 12 students from our school together with 2 chairs and director took part in the GBZAMUN 2019 model united nations simulation. In the ECOSOC committee, the topic was – Combating child labor in developing countries. The main purpose of the GBZAMUN 
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A je to za nami! To je prvé, čo ma teraz pri písaní tohto príspevku napadne. Bol to mesiac chystačiek, ktoré mali vynikajúcu dohru. A o čom vlastne točím? Predsa o vianočných trhoch. Dnes, 21.12.2018, sa konala najznámejšia a už tradičná charitatívna akcia. Každá trieda si prichystala jeden až dva 
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The HOPE club met today (25 students) to discuss our progress and tasks being in progress. We spoke mainly about: Real vs Online cooperation in a group – what are the advantages and disadvantages of each? Teambuilding – we briefly discussed the experience and will 
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9.11.2018 The Children ‚s Hour is an annual fundraising activity to support projects helping children and young people throughout Slovakia. Every year the project finds those who need help and those who can and want to provide it. Our HOPE club decided to support this 
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Teamwork is one of the key soft skills of the future. Everything we do involves different kinds of teams, people, cooperation. The main point of this year teambuilding was exactly the teamwork. Our club was divided into 8 teams and they had to escape from 
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Day 5 – Last day in Strasbourg. Our last stops is the European Parliament and the city center. Our students discovered how the EU Parliament works and could feel the European spirit through the hallways of this impressive building. Then, the city center clearly left 
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TOMUN Naše 6 dňové dobrodružstvo v poľskej Toruni sa začalo 3. októbra v skorých ranných hodinách, keď sa naša delegácia (v rámci možností najlepšie pripravená) stretla na žilinskej vlakovej stanici, odhodlaná stráviť nasledujúcich 12 hodín potulkami vlakom a možno sme tak na prvý dojem nepôsobili 
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