Ponuka: “Youth Exchange Champions of Growing up”

Kontakt: Martin Tadian V.E
Champions of Growing up
Project Type proposal:
Erasmus + KA1 Learning Mobility for individuals, Youth Exchange – Partner Countries
Personal development, Self-empowerment and Self-esteem and Intercultural Learning
This Youth Exchange project was born from a need to offer participants a chance to acquire skills for healthy growing up and personal development, to enhance self-empowerment and self-esteem in Intercultural Learning setting.
Topics: Image of Self and Identity issue, Relationships within the peer group, Independence, Improving Communication Skills, Assertive Reacting, Active Listening, Conflict Transformation and Intercultural Dialogue.
Develop communication and conflict transformation skills among young people for solving their developmental problems and difficulties adequately, to be more independent and self-empowered.
19 – 26 August 2018 (including arrival and departure dates) – 8 working days in which we will live and learn together.
Accommodation and training venue will be arranged at Želimlje, Slovenia.
Who? YOU!
If you are working with young people, who:
- are interested in non-formal learning, intercultural learning, development of young people and the mix between them all;
- have a minimal experience with the European programs for Youth;
- believe in values such as: understanding between different cultures, social responsibility, sense of belonging to a community, youth active participation;
- are at age of 15 – 19 (young adolescents) who speak English and are willing to be an active participant in the entire course duration.
We will use methods specific to non-formal education and learning, both individual and group methods, taking into consideration participants’ learning needs.
- Group work
- Debates and Discussions
- Simulations and Role-plays
- Open space methodology
- Reflection
- Participatory and Improve theatre techniques
- Local community and environment as a tool
- As well as Swimming, Dancing, Singing, Sports and everything else that can work as a learning experience
100% of door to door travel expenses will be reimbursed as long as they are equal or less than the approved travel costs from the Erasmus + program.
Accommodation and meals will be provided by the project.
Also, don’t forget to send us the approximate price of your travel costs from your home town to Slovenia. (You need to land in Ljubljana airport or Bus/Train station).
How to apply:
If you are interested to become partner organization in our project please follow these steps:
We will send you the Mandate agreement, which is an official partnership agreement of the Erasmus + Programme.
It is very important to complete all the details as provided in your PIC registration.
Also please print, sign, stamp, scan and send us the copy via email to drustvosmc@gmail.com
as soon as possible no later than 15th of September 2017.
Do not hesitate to address any of your questions to:
Sanja Obaha Brodnjak – project manager (sanjasmcmb@gmail.com, 00386 41 331 238)
About us:
Hosting organization
DRUŠTVO SALEZIJANSKI MLADINSKI CENTER MARIBOR – SMC Maribor was founded on 22th of April 1998 as non-profit NGO. We are local Youth Center in Maribor – second largest city in Slovenia. We mostly perform local projects for youth and some national and International projects. Our mission is to promote responsibility, volunteering, active citizenship among youngsters. Our key activities are:
-focus groups of teenagers
-counselling teenagers and their parents
-summer program
-sport activities
-Saturday club
-cultural Fridays
-Sunday afternoon activities (workshops, sport, board games, …)
-non-formal education
-programs for personal growth
-Pitfalls of Growingup
-Giants of Hope
-Street work for and with youngsters
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