HOPE Slovakia meeting – 9.3.2018

The HOPE Club Slovakia met today to discuss the major tasks related to the tasks we need to accomplish. During the meeting we discussed many topics:
- ZAMUN teams – the Director general, vice – director general, head of staff and the head page referred to the current state of preparations of their teams. We set the lists of students working in the teams and discussed their responsibilities and the management of their work. Media and Press teams will create the organizational structures and define individual outcomes
- inspiration from MUNs – the delegates of LUXMUN and KAMUN revised their participation and proposed activities they found interesting. We spoke about the PRESS team working as a reporting team of the negotiations in the committees and a „diner“ for the delegates, which can be realized in the form of a „garden party“ (will be described later)
- GBZAMUN – the Director-General informed all participants about the state of preparations (dates, organization, committees, information campaign)
- ŽilinaMUN GARDEN PARTY – from the experience from previous years, we want to organize the official party in a closed environment and the school seems to be the best place. We want to create a relaxing environment with games and competitions to give all delegates and hosts
- The President of the HOPE referred about the recent communication
- we discussed general preparations of the HOPE meeting after the ŽilinaMUN project activity
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