The video from the latest network conference in Postojna – here.
The video from the latest network conference in Postojna – here.
The network “Education without Frontiers” consists of 18 secondary schools from 16 EU countries. It is a dynamic network which continually seeks to initiate new exchange projects between the participating schools. The cooperation between the schools over the past 3 decades has been very fruitful: many thousands of students have participated in valuable exchanges. Most schools have established regular exchanges and cooperation with other schools in the network. The network and its activities have greatly contributed to the expansion of the international and especially the European dimension in the schools.
The Charter (click) of the network has been renewed and signed in Namur, Belgium in 2018.
Management of the network
Since 2009 a steering committee has been installed to guide and coordinate the activities of the network. The most important were two meetings a year – a headteachers´ conference (in autumn when heads, correspondents and teachers participated in) and a big annual conference (in spring) with students.
Our school became a member in 2009 at the conference in Geldrop, the Netherlands. In 2012 we organised the first headteachers´ conference in Žilina.
Since 2015 there has been just one meeting a year – an annual network conference as a two-day activity for students and teachers of the network schools. During the second network conference in Žilina in 2017 the elections were held and a new leading team consisting of 3 officials started its work. There is the President of the network – Jean Theis (the headmaster from Lycée Hubert Clément in Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg) and two team members: Satu Syyrakki (a guidance counsellor from Schildtin lukio in Jyväskylä, Finland) and Janka Mládenková (a correspondent and coordinator of international activities at GBZA in Žilina, Slovakia).
In 2023 in Postojna, Slovenia, new elections were held and led to a change of the entire steering committee. The president is Pascal Carpentier (Headmaster at Óscar Romerocollege in Dendermonde, Belgium) and two other members: Sandra Droste from Lycée Michel-Rodange in Luxembourg and Jessica Stefener from Wittekind Gymnasium in Germany.
All member schools within the Europroject network
“Education without Frontiers”
subscribe to the principles based on the
and focus on the following principles:
The member schools have committed themselves to:
A school from a European country or another country _ not belonging to the network _ can be invited to the annual conference as an observer and take part in the activities.
A school from a European country can apply for membership.
Štúdium v našej škole je päťročné, vzdelávanie v ňom zabezpečujú slovenskí i zahraniční učitelia rešpektujúc medzinárodné dohody aj Štátny vzdelávací program.
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Slovenská republika
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